Analogous Dwellings.
A design for two dwellings as part of a subdivision of 1100m2 land.
Location: Private
Program: New Build Housing
Size: approx. 2 x 275m2 – 2 storeys house with 2 car garage
Dates: 2022 – Ready for Development Application
Design Ideas.
After making a renovation plan to integrate a secondary dwelling within the existing dwelling we were asked to investigate subdividing the land and make plans for two new dwellings. The design brief was to have two the same dwellings but having a different look. This is where the idea of analogous dwellings came from.
The floorplans of the designs for the two dwellings are mirrored over the boundary line. Exactly the same with flexibility to increase or decrease the number of rooms. By using different colours at each dwelling, the visually separate but by keeping the same form the dwellings connect. The streetscape keeps the overall impression of unique housing and at the same time, the plans of the two new ones in the street are the same.
The base design of the dwellings is a primary dwelling with an integrated secondary dwelling to facilitate the increasing demand for housing and possibility to house parents, in-laws, or family. The primary dwelling will house 5 bedrooms, 5,5 bathrooms, an open living with kitchen, and an extra living. The secondary dwelling will include 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and an open living with kitchen. A real family home with flexibility to grow.
To be continued.
The client is investigating pricing and selling options. The plans are ready for a Development Application.