Next Level Concrete.
The basic principles for this design come from an idea to make building simpler without design compromises. Also, to provide a different view on sustainability.
Location: Private
Program: New Build Private House
Size: approx. 335m2 – 2 storey
Dates: 2020 – DA October ’21 - CC September ‘22 - Start build 2023
Design Ideas.
The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
With this in mind I designed and engineered a building system in which sustainability is key by making it flexible, strong and quick to build.
Flexible in design, flexible in space and flexible in time. Design, by making a modular small panel, you can design freely any space desired. The panel also is adaptable into different looks by adding texture, colour, print, etc. Space, the system provides all loadbearing needs on the outer shell of the design. Where the span becomes too big a light steel sway structure can double the span without compromising flexibility of space. This results in a space without loadbearing walls within the parameters of the design and therefor all designed spaces are adjustable, removable or replaceable which results in maximum space flexibility. Time, because the space within is adaptable, increasing or decreasing family sizes over time can adjust their needs. A room more or less, no problem. Also when new families own the structure they can make their house as they want with minimal renovations. The structure itself can survive over 200 years and by making it flexible it is ready for multiple uses and wishes.
One of the stronger building materials around is concrete. But this is also the number three highest provider of CO2 emissions. How can we use it and decrease the emission. The idea is to make it longer lasting than any other low carbon footprint material for example timber. We can make concrete last longer by reinforcing with non-rusting materials. Steel reinforcement and on site pouring of concrete is the highest contributor to reduce the life span of concrete. By using non-rusting materials and precast the main parts we increase the lifespan of concrete from 50 years to at least 150 years, but most likely way longer. This means the carbon footprint over time becomes less than for example timber.
Quick to build:
By reducing the time building on site we save the amount of travel of the trades, which results in less carbon footprint. We also need less trades at the job site because a big part is made in the factory and only installing is necessary. For example, we reduced the onsite labour regarding the exterior walls by 88%.
Further Explanation.
Besides the sustainability this system also provides protection against bushfires, cyclone winds, termites, and rodents. And has integrated insulation with a R-value of 4.0 m2.K/W, and all of this for a fraction of the price.
In this house design we aimed for privacy and openness at the same time. The ground floor walls are all closed off towards the neighbours to guarantee the privacy. The rear and around the inner courtyards we have minimal obstruction to be one with its natural environment. This gives a very spacious feel and a good connection with nature, which enhances the sensory feel of the house. Looking at the first floor the privacy is granted the same as the ground floor at the right side, but the left opens up. To guarantee privacy on this side a big setback is introduced.
The house uses very low energy by natural cooling and heating enforced by sun orientation and a big void in the middle of the house to gradually let air flow to cool or heat all spaces. Besides the natural physics to regulate the temperature, the void also gives a grant feel by entering the house, a overview over the separate rooms and spaces, and gives orientation and a visual connection with the nature rich environment.
To give the design texture, better acoustics, and human size I choose as second most present material next to concrete, rough brickwork. By using rough brickwork, sound gets deflected, it gives more texture at eye sight and brings cosiness by its warm colours. Together with lots of timber accents in the joinery, timber floors at the bedrooms, sophisticated light plan, and black accents, this design shows industrial functionality, connection with its context, sensory experience, tactility, warmth and a natural feel.